Become Volunteer

At Lending A Supporting Hand (L.A.S.H.) Foundation, our volunteers are the heart of our efforts to empower and uplift those in need. Whether you're assisting with community outreach, event support, or administrative tasks, your contribution makes a significant impact.

We need you, Help Us Around

Step 1

Create An Account

Submit your basic information including Name, Address, and Contact details (including, Gmail or Facebook Id)

Step 2

Attach Image & Signature

Attach a passport size picture and signature; this is for authenticity. It also eases the way for us to create identity card for us.

Step 3

Submit Eduction & Job Detail

Now, there is a form, where you need to add volunteer detail, so that we can easily divide our team on the basis of role.

Step 4

Download Identity Card

At last, check all your detailed information your identity card will be emailed. It is valid for 1 year.

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Lending A Supporting Hand Foundation

Your Support, Their Future A Brighter World Awaits.

Our mission is to empower homeless individuals and Veteran families by providing comprehensive support and sustainable solutions. We offer immediate relief through essential aid, such as food, clothing, and temporary shelter, and provide transitional housing to help families regain stability. Our job training and educational programs equip participants with skills for financial independence, while our case management services guide them through complex social systems. We prioritize mental health by offering counseling and wellness programs, while engaging in community outreach to advocate for systemic change.